Double Sunday (sometimes 0)

This is my nose bleeding at work some time ago. It's the only picture I felt would be appropriate. (theres no spell check in vs code is appropriate spelled right?)

1 stars

Bottom line: DoubleSunday is "Harder, better, faster, blogger"

(May 13th, 2024) Hello, I am here to tell you about me. I realized that when you are on mobile the date tags do not work properly. So I am going to start including the date at the begining of the post. Maybe I'll put spell check into VS Code as well. These are minor annoyances that may or may not be fixed by the time you read this. Also this will be linked in the "about" section in the top left corner.

Anyway, my online moniker is Double Sunday. Sometimes with a 0 at the end if it's taken on the website I'm signing up on. Which it sometimes is. It may shock the internet to hear this, but I like video games.

I like video games a lot.

I like video games so much I can't even tell you what my favorite one is.

I cant even tell you what my favorite genre is.

If you stick around I'm sure you might get a better idea of what I like than me.

not to say that im not introspective, I just couldn't give you an answer if i sat here for hours and thought about it. Right now if I had to give you an answer its Like a Dragon 7. Infinite Wealth was good but I think I enjoyed 7 more when I played it at the time.

This answer will probably change based on when you ask me

Other than video games, I like my cat. Kupo. Who you will see an incredible amount more of in the future. Here's a picture of her to hold you over until then

I also enjoy 80s Japanese music. Whether it be City Pop, Jazz, Rock, Enka, etc. I uploaded a rip of a vinyl i really like on youtube I heard this in an enka compilation that got taken down. I spent literal months trying to find it (i speak no Japanese). I found out the name, went on discogs and bought it from a random shop in Germany. Now that I went back to look at the video I posted, it links the offical upload in the description. So you should probably listen to that one. It'll be higher quality.

I'm 26 and I am still working on my Bachelors degree in Cybersecurity. I have a decent full time job, but a Bachelors is the new high school diploma so I kind of feel like I need it.

I am trying some new things to see if I can hold interest in anything else. I want to learn piano. I just bought a bike so I can go biking. I want to do some hobbist game dev. I actually entered a game jam that I was going to do over this past weekend but I felt guilty that I was 3 months behind on one of my classes. I cant pick that up right now.

I will one day

As I get these things done, I'll chronicle them here. I also want to try and write some reviews. Mainly video game reviews, but I'll also probably do some random ones. Maybe a movie, maybe some cheap junk i bought, you know whatever. Its my website. I can do anyting!!!!!

I also am known to post on youtube my channel is being neglected for the same reason my other potential interests are, but I will return to it one day.

thats all i got so far. I'm sure many people wont see this page as it is right now. Maybe they wont see it at all. But I'll try and update as things come to mind. I have to do my night time routine now.

as they say, bye